MHAHS Stall a Huge Success
Jim Tan and Natali Smud at the MHAHS Well-Being Stall

MHAHS Stall a Huge Success

A MHAHS information stall at Embassy English College, Charles Sturt University on 16th January was a huge success.

The stall at the Well-Being Expo, staffed by our Health Promotion Officer, Natali Smud and Chinese Cultural Support Officer, Jim Tan, shared information about the service and distributed resources on HIV.

Ms Smud said that the event was a great place to meet international students and hear their views about the epidemic.

“Many students of diverse language backgrounds visited our stall and were keen to know if HIV services in Australia are free and confidential. We are encouraged that many students want to know more about HIV treatment and Dried Blood Spot HIV Home Testing. We were able to explain the students that they don’t have to have a medicare card to access HIV services.  We thank the college for inviting us and hope our information will help the students look after their health”.

The MHAHS International Student’s Project is aimed at raising awareness of contemporary HIV testing, treatment and prevention options among overseas students studying in NSW. It encourages international students to seek free help from relevant HIV services if they feel they are at risk while studying in NSW.

For more project details, contact Gula Sapthari on (9515 1234) or email