An exciting new multilingual resource 7 Good Reasons to Test for HIV Now is set to be launched during this year’s HIV Testing Week starting June 1st. Produced by the MHAHS and Positive Life NSW, this new easy to read resource features everyday people using every day language to explain the many benefits of regular HIV testing.
The resource directly complements this year’s campaign theme Never Tested for HIV? Get Tested Today, according to Barbara Luisi, Manager of the MHAHS.
“There are many reasons to get tested for HIV. Nearly one in ten Australians remain unaware of their HIV status, don’t get HIV medical care on time and can pass the virus on to others without knowing it. Taking the test is the only way to know for sure. The new 7 Good Reasons to test provides people the simple, easy to understand information they need regarding HIV testing," said Ms Luisi.
Funded by the NSW Health, the resource is available online at in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese.
The MHAHS is undertaking several initiatives during HIV Testing Week including an ethnic media campaign in eight languages, a series of Facebook messages and a free HIV Testing Week Toolkit containing all the digital assets for other organisations to use.
Visit our 7 Good Reasons to test for HIV Now resource page or the 2018 HIV Testing Week campaign page for more information.