The Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service was recently awarded Highly Commended for their “Hepatitis B: Could it be me? ASK. TEST. TREAT" project at the Multicultural Health Communication Awards Ceremony at NSW Parliament House on September 2nd. Multicultural Health Week 2019 was launched at the event, with this year’s theme Health Literacy in New and Emerging Communities to increase equitable access to healthcare for diverse communities.
“Hepatitis B: Could it be me?" is the first multilingual hepatitis B campaign to address the sensitive topic of hepatitis B from the perspectives of Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and sub-Saharan African communities. The project engaged various local health districts and community organisations and won in the Keeping People Healthy category. It provides an excellent example of best practice in reducing the long-term burden on the health care system by encouraging community members to get tested and seek appropriate treatment for hepatitis B so as to reduce incidence of liver disease and liver cancer.
Barbara Luisi, Director of the Diversity Programs and Strategy Hub said: “It is an honor to be recognised for this important work on which many communities collaborated. The award acknowledges our diversity and highlights how everybody, regardless of ethnic background or linguistic skills, should have access to healthcare information.”
The Multicultural Health Communication Awards are presented by the NSW Health Communication Service to celebrate excellence in multilingual health communication across NSW Health and health-funded non-government organisations.
To learn more, visit Hepatitis B: Could it be me? ASK. TEST. TREAT campaign page.