MHAHS launches new multi-channel hepatitis B campaign

MHAHS launches new multi-channel hepatitis B campaign

The Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS) has launched a new, state-wide hepatitis B campaign.

Developed in partnership with the NSW Ministry of Health, the Are you living with hepatitis B? Find out. Get tested campaign promotes hepatitis B testing among Arabic-speaking, Chinese-speaking, Korean, sub-Saharan and Vietnamese communities, with a focus on the five metropolitan local health districts with the highest prevalence of hepatitis B.

The campaign will run throughout the 2020 calendar year and include four intensive multi-channel activations. These will involve the distribution of printed and digital campaign collateral, ethnic and social media promotions as well as multilingual website channels. The activations are planned for February, May, July and October. Community engagement activities will be ongoing throughout the year.

A multilingual resource toolkit, which includes the campaign resources and guidelines for use is available on the campaign webpage.

For more information about the campaign, please contact Natali Smud on 9515 1234 or email