Hepatitis Services
- Hepatitis SA
- 3 Hackney Road
- Hackney SA 5069
- Phone: 08 8362 8443
- Fax: 08 8362 8559
- Email:
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- Hepatitis SA Helpline
- Phone: 8362 8443 or 1800 437 222
- Visit website
HIV Treatment and Support
- Positive Life SA
- 220 South Rd
- Mile End SA 5031
- Phone: 0410 707 923
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Visit website
- SAMESH (South Australia Mobilisation and Empowerment for Sexual Health)
- 57 Hyde St, Adelaide, SA 5000
- Phone: 08 7099 5300
- Email:
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Sexual Health Services
Adelaide city and metropolitan area
- Adelaide
- Clinic 275
- 275 North Terrace
- Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone: 08 8222 5075 or toll free 1800 806 490 (SA only)
- Email:
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- Hillcrest
- Shine South Australia
- Gilles Plains GP Plus Super Clinic
- 1 Gilles Crescent
- Hillcrest SA 5086
- Phone: 1300 794 584
- Visit Website
- North Adelaide
- Yarrow Place Level 2
- 55 King William Road
- North Adelaide SA 5006
- Phone: 08 8226 8777 or toll free 1800 817 421 (SA only)
- Email:
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- Port Adelaide
- Women’s Health Service
- 47 Dale Street
- Port Adelaide SA 5015
- Phone: 08 8444 0700
- Visit Website
- Woodville
- Shine South Australia
- Woodville GP Plus Health Care Centre
- 64 Woodville Road
- Woodville SA 5011
- Phone: 1300 794 584
- Visit Website
Outer metropolitan and rural areas
- Davoren Park
- SHine South Australia
- 43 Peachey Road
- Davoren Park SA 5113
- Phone: 1300 794 584
- Visit Website
- Elizabeth
- Women’s Health Service
- GP Plus Centre
- 16 Playford Boulevard
- Elizabeth SA 5112
- Phone: 08 8444 0700
- Visit Website
- Noarlunga
- Shine South Australia
- Noarlunga GP Plus Super Clinic
- Level 1 20 Alexander Kelly Drive
- Noarlunga SA 5168
- Phone: 1300 794 584
- Visit Website
HIV Services for Heterosexuals
- Women’s Health Service
- 47 Dale Street
- Port Adelaide SA 5015
- GP Plus Centre, 16 Playford Boulevard
- Phone: 8444 0700
- Outreach services provided at:
- GP Plus Super Clinic
- 1 Gilles Crescent
- Hillcrest SA 5086
- Phone 8444 0700
- Contact: HIV PEP hotline 1800 022 226
- Visit Website
Services for Injecting Drug Users
- SA Voice for Intravenous education (SAVIVE)
- 26 Richmond Road
- Keswick SA 5035
- Phone: 08 8334 1699 Free call: 1800 888 559 (SA country)
- Fax: 08 8351 3652
- Email:
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Major Hospitals
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Infectious Diseases Department
- North Terrace
- Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone: 08 8222 2954
- Visit Website
- Flinders Medical Centre
- Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Department
- Flinders Drive
- Bedford Pk SA 5042
- Phone: 08 8204 4720
- Fax 08 8 8204 5450
- Visit Website
Anti-discrimination and Human Rights
- Equal Opportunity Commission of SA
- Level 10 30 Currie Street
- Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone: 08 8207 1977 Free call: 1800 188 163 (SA country)
- Fax: 08 8207 2090
- Visit Website
Multicultural and Related Services
- Multicultural Services
- 49A Orsmond Street
- Hindmarsh SA 5007
- Phone: 08 8245 8100
- Fax: 08 8346 7333
- Email:
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- Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service - South Australia
- 81 Angas Street
- Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone: 08 8206 8900
- Fax: 08 8223 2218
- Visit Website